Feng Shui

feng shui water Advice

Certified in Feng Shui since 2013

Feng Shui seeks to create environments that are in balance with our individual sense of harmony and serenity. It is the practice of understanding how the energy, the feeling, in our living spaces impacts and affects the quality of our lives. Feng Shui allows us to harness and use this energy to our best advantage, improving not just the aesthetics of our spaces, but also the feeling of our spaces.

If you're stuck or experiencing a difficult life transition, tap the power of Feng Shui to renew the flow of positive energy in your life.

Feng Shui brings balance and harmony to your environment, creating the atmosphere you need to transform your goals and dreams into reality.

Experience the joy and renewed vitality that come with improved "Chi" energy in your space. Contact Cynthia now to experience your noticeable difference in you and your home. Yes they do relate with one another!

Feng Shui for your bedroom to help you attract romance, enhance your love relationship, and sleep better at night.

Feng Shui for your kitchen to attract health and abundance into your life.

Feng Shui for your home office to enhance your career and promotes your financial success.

Feng Shui a Boon to Workplace Productivity

Balance through Feng Shui actually calms your nervous system it helps you focus, think clearly and calm. These emotions are the key to be more productive, innovative at your work.

Did you know that Obama had the White House Feng Shuied? Yes he did to bring more energy and balance to this well known home to US presidents.

How a Home Feng Shui Consultation works:

Feng Shui Consultations for Suffolk County, Nassau County, Long Island, Queens and New York City

After reviewing your floor plans, I come to your home to conduct an in-depth Feng Shui assessment using the Bagua Energy Map, Five Elements theory and other Feng Shui tools and techniques.

  •   Every consultation takes birthdates information into account for you and every member of your household.

You get step-by-step guidance to personal Feng Shui adjustments including organizing ideas, furniture recommendations, room-by-room color and art selection and more.

  •   Whenever possible I like to get "hands-on" and start making Feng Shui adjustments right away, on the spot. I am a very hands -on person and being very strong and tall will surprise you on what is possible!

At the end of the consultation you have sketches and notes about the Feng Shui adjustments I've recommended, that you can refer to as often as you like.

I hope you take full advantage of this special time. After this period I am happy to answer further questions via e-mail for a nominal fee.

From the International Feng Shui Guild,

Thank you for being a valued Red Ribbon member of the International Feng Shui Guild.

We feature a few of our Red Ribbon members each week on our website including the home page and the majority of our public web pages through the use of a high visibility slide show.  We are so happy to include you this week's rotation!  We want you to know how important you are to us and how much we enjoy sharing you with the world.  The slider includes your name, introductory content from your bio, link to your directory listing, and a photo if available.  

Red Ribbon members are also featured on our social media!  Join us and connect!

Thank you,
Office of the CEO
International Feng Shui Guild

Fees for a Home Feng Shui consultation are

$250 for 1 bedroom apartments and studios
$350 for 2 bedroom apartments and homes
$450 for 3 bedroom apartments and homes
$550 for 4 bedroom apartments and homes
$350 for 2 1/2 hours - Shorter consult
For any space
I will not move the furniture, clear the clutter or shop
You can choose this if your energy level is low

Travel fees also apply depending on your location. The time varies depending on the size of your home (4-8 hours). I am very thorough and will provide you with a lot of useable information that will change your life very quickly

Your privacy is important to me - every Feng Shui consultation is completely confidential.

After the Feng Shui consult you will be guaranteed to know your home has a strong Feng Shui smart foundation.

This will ensure that their health will stay strong, that more money will come in then goes out, and that you will enjoy a stable and harmonious relationship.

Cynthia has a deep, intuitive sense about people and their spaces. Combined with decades of study and practice in the physical and spiritual arts of Feng Shui, organizing and home decorating, Cynthia helps others to beautifully create their own personal Feng Shui style while facilitating optimal harmonious balance in their homes and workplaces.

Sally from Port Washington: At this time of Thanksgiving, I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how grateful I am to have found you.

My practice has a specialty focus in:

  •  Residential, and home offices
  •  Clutter clearing consulting
  •  Professional Organizing ( since 2002) and certified in this also
  •  Home Staging
  •  Decorating and Design
  •  Shopping for Products- anything to enhance your home

The Bagua


Allow me to get your home Feng Shui and change your life

Allow me to help you get organized and change your life

Feng Shui Workshop

Clearing clutter is the first step to good Feng Shui.

In this inspiring program Cynthia a Professional Organizer, with an interior design background and now enrolled in a certified school of Feng Shui. Cynthia will show you how clutter keeps you stuck and gives you new motivation to create,clarity and beauty in your space. You will learn:

  •  What is Feng Shui
  •  What are the causes of clutter
  •  How to change your "clutter script," get unstuck, and take control of your space
  •  Practical tips for clearing the clutter.
  •  How to keep your space clutter free for ever!

I hope you can make it and share my new passion!

Date:July 24th, 2013
Time: 7:30pm

Temple Isaiah
1404 Stony Brook Rd
Stony Brook, NY 11790

Home Workshop

Get ready to roll up your sleeves and get down to work! I will provide some basic principles of Feng Shui and how it can be applied to your unique home!

Each participant will review their floor plan for energy flow and balance of yin and yang energy. In addition, each participant will receive a copy of the Feng Shui Bagua Map and learn how to apply it to their home!

Bring a copy of your floor plan (you can draw one up simply before you arrive).

Everyone will receive personal guidance from me. Refreshments will be provided

Where: In my home in Lake Grove
Time: 2-4pm
Date: TBA
Cost: $75

Wherever I've lived or worked, I've created environments that look and feel great. Visitors comment about how good it feels to be in these spaces: they sense that I've created them with love - for myself and for the things that surround me.You can have a nourishing environment, too, a home or office that supports a life of joy and abundance. Using a combination of Feng Shui principles and organizing skills, I'll transform your environment into one that’s tailored to your needs and your personality. You’ll get a space that’s easy to live or work in, a space that reflects who you are and that helps you achieve your goals. In addition to my Certificate from Metropolitan School of Design in Feng Shui, my backgrounds gives me a broad range of understanding and knowledge for every situation.

I look forward to speaking with you about the best way to tackle your challenges

Feng Shui Home Party

Feng Shui + Friends = Fun

feng shui partyThis is your invitation to host a fun and fascinating Feng Shui Home Party. I'll provide an interactive 3/1/2-hour Feng Shui afternoon or evening workshop at your home for you and your friends, and you get a free Feng Shui home consultation. Everyone learns practical Feng Shui basics and tips they can take back to their own homes, gets handouts, and some surprises.

A Feng Shui Home Party is a chance to get together with your friends and learn Feng Shui in a relaxed atmosphere, with advice for the homes and/or apartments. Your workshop will be customized for your group, with popular topics like "Finding Love with Feng Shui," "10 Ways to Attract Wealth," or Creating Harmony at Home with Feng Shui."

Great for housewarming parties, bridal showers, get-togethers, or a special "girls night in."

Here's How It Works:

You invite up to nine guests, provide refreshments, and get a Feng Shui consultation for your home. Everyone learns Feng Shui basis, participates hands-on in the host's home consultation. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers. Guests also get a deep discount if they book their own home consultation

Book your Feng Shui Home Party today for only $300.

What Your Clutter Says About Your Personality

feng shui clutter

In Feng Shui, clutter represents postponed decisions and the inability to move forward. What you accumulate, where you put it, and why you keep it says a lot about who you are. When you surround yourself with your favorite things you add clarity and focus to your life. But by contrast, when you surround yourself with things that you no longer love or that hold negative memories, your life can lack direction. Check out how keeping objects in certain rooms can reveal a lot about your personality:

A packed basement indicates a loyal and emotional person. Individuals who form strong attachments to people and events find it difficult to throw away things, perhaps because they fear that losing these objects would mean losing the memories themselves. But spending too much time going through memorabilia without focusing on the present can lead to depression.

A crowded linen closet indicates a creative person. Creative people like visual stimulation around them, but sometimes aren't enthusiastic about cleaning up. Closing the door on clutter gives them respite from it, while they can focus on the thoughts and ideas in their head. But they may not realize that this type of clutter does have a negative effect on their thinking at a subconscious level.

A full kitchen table indicates a person who is a nurturer and preserver. Deep inside, they might be afraid of not having enough, so they like to stock up, and find the sight of a full table reassuring. However, all that clutter can actually trigger stress and overeating.

An overflowing bedside table indicates a curious personality. People who like to read in bed crave knowledge, ideas, and information, which of course is good. But a night table full of books and magazines can also indicate a crowded, overworked mind that can rob an individual of restful sleep.


Cynthia Braun is a certified Feng Shui consultant, professional organizer and interior designer. She provides life-changing design solutions for your home or office. Her practical approach is to integrate the heart with the mind while creating your personal master plan for your home or home office She enjoys traveling, does consultations for residential and is known for her numerous speaking engagements.

Feng Shui is a perfect match to Cynthia's Professional organizing practice where she realized she was practicing Feng Shui intuitively. She was attracted to Feng Shui because of its spiritual nature, interior design facet and her life-long thirst for making homes for clients the best possible way to support her them!

Feng Shui recognizes the removal of clutter as necessary to remove energetic blocks and to encourage the chi ( life force) to move through the space

Why hire a Feng Shui Consultant from the International Feng Shui Guild?

A Professional Feng Shui Consultant has the training and experience to assess your specific needs. As a result of this training, your consultant will have a unique interpretation of the relationship between your current quality of life, your personal aspirations, and your home environment or workplace. An accomplished Feng Shui consultant has the ability to recommend the most appropriate solutions among many that can lead to a very powerful transformational experience - above what can be learned from a book, video, or introductory workshop. Your Feng Shui consultant’s extensive knowledge, training, and resources will provide very specific and more effective results than you can achieve on your own. You can be confident when you hire an IFSG Professional Feng Shui Consultant!

Professionalism, Integrity, and Standards you can Trust

All International Feng Shui Guild professional members and Red Ribbon professional members adhere to the IFSG Code of Ethics, upholding a high degree of professionalism and standards.


Tara from Smithtown

I wanted you to know that last night was the first night I actually had a good night sleep in over two months! I’m loving the room and it feels super cozy and healing, which is what I need now. The Feng Shui is working!

feng shui class

My Feng Shui class with RD Chin, architect and Feng Shui Consultant from NYC

international feng shui guild

Cynthia Braun is a certified professional organizer for Suffolk County, New York